Pennsylvania Dutch Meadow Tea recipe

One of my favorite parts of summer is Meadow Tea, a chilled tea brewed with fresh apple mint (mentha suaveolens). This is a fairly common drink in Pennsylvania Dutch areas, particularly among Mennonite and Amish communities.

It’s definitely an acquired taste – most people either love it or hate it. I love it, so I’m sharing my family’s recipe for it.

Apple mint, also known as wooly mint, is easy to grow – maybe even a little too invasive. For that reason, you may want to grow in a raised bed garden.

The tea pairs well with salty snacks like pretzels and kettle chips.


1 gallon distilled water

Approx. 30 stalks of apple mint

3/4 cup sugar


Fill a large pot with 1 gallon of distilled water (3/4 gallon for stronger brew). Bring to a boil.

Cut enough apple mint leaves to firmly pack a standard kitchen colander (about 30 stalks).

Remove leaves from stalk and place in colander. Rinse the tea leaves thoroughly in cold water.

Place tea leaves in the boiling water and submerge completely.

Boil the water with leaves for 10 minutes.

Cover pot and remove from heat. Let tea brew covered for about 90 minutes.

Strain tea into pitcher and stir in 3/4 cup sugar.

Refrigerate for a couple hours and served chilled.

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