

Customizing virtual pageview paths with Tag Manager

I recently ran into a weird situation where I needed to change how the page path was being recorded in Google Analytics. If you’re firing pageviews through Google Tag Manager, you can easily change this with a couple of custom settings. First a short explainer. If you have URLs like and, Google Analytics […]

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Using parameters to create dynamic file paths in Excel queries

Parameters are an incredibly powerful tool when constructing queries in Microsoft Excel. And if your source data changes frequently, parameters can come in extremely handy to change multiple file names/paths hurry. For example, I had queries set up to pull data from about 30 spreadsheets from our finance department. Every month, they ran new reports […]

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Using Drupal tokens as Google Analytics custom dimensions

 Custom dimensions are an incredibly powerful tool to capture non-Google Analytics data and merge it with your Google Analytics data. Combined with Drupal tokens, this tool can very easily bring Drupal data into your analytics account. Take this scenario: You want to query Google Analytics data by your Drupal content type. An example of where […]

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Internal campaign tracking with URL parameters

With Google Analytics, UTM tagging is essential for tracking inbound traffic from your marketing campaigns, but what if you want to track clicks originating within your site. In those instances, UTM tagging should never be used. Internal campaign tracking requires a different approach, but there is a simple workaround in Google Analytics using custom URL parameters.

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